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Saturday, May 15, 2010


Morning guys,

Here is a simple quiz to test you on your knowledge of Supernatural:
(comment with answer next to corresponding number of question)

1. How does one actually get rid of Bloody Mary?
2. What is the name of the yellow eyed demon?
3. Who is Dean named after?
4. Name three things that would stop a ghost?
5. What did the brothers think would be a cure for being a werewolf?
6. Which angel is said to be the one to use Dean as a vessel?
7. What is the vice of Castiel's vessel when they come in contact with one of the Horsemen?
8. What was John Winchester's profession before he became a demon hunter?
9. How would one kill a Trickster?
10. What is a Lady In White?

1 comment:

  1. 1. Has to see herself in the mirror
    2. Azazel
    3. Deanna, Mary's mother
    4. Salt, iron & burning the bones
    5. Killing the monster that bit the victim
    6. Michael the arc angel
    7. White castle burgers
    8. Mechanic
    9. Cedarwood stake through the heart
    10. Wife that killed her children then herself
