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Saturday, August 7, 2010


This brilliant show follows the antics of five New Yorkers as they go about their daily lives - and mainly deals with the comedy in their lives as well as thier relationship with each other and others.

The show has to be considered as a memory - as the title states, it follows the main character Ted Mosby as he tells his children the story of how he met their mother in excrutiating detail (much to the sheer-grin of the children).

Dubbed Theodore Evelyn Mosby by Barney. He is the main protaganist of the show and he has two children - boy and girl who he is telling his life story too. His profession is architect and throughout the course of the show he has gone from architect in big company, to architect in his own company and finally (so far) architect teacher at New York University. His best friends are Marshall and Lily and they have been together since college - Wesleyen. He is constantly searching for 'the one' - and for two years he believed the one was Robin - whom he dated for a year. Barney who he met in the pub at the urinal has reluctantly become one of his best friends, and as such they keep going on constant legendary adventures together.

Known as the inventor of the "Lemon Law" and as The Barnicle. He always wears suits and has two catchphrases - 'suit up' and 'legen ... dary'! He regards Ted as his best friend as such often gets them both in compromising situations. He is a very successfull businessman but no one knows what it is exactly that he does, not even Marshall who works with him. His motto in life is too hook up with as many hot women as possible - and keep record of it! His only meaningfull relationship was with Robin but that did not work out for him! He is the ultimate single guy and role model to many!!!

He is the ultimate relationship man - he dated Lily for more than 8 years and then married her, she is the ultimate love of his life and he is a complete wreck without her. He considers Ted and Lily his best friends. His love also stretches to good food, Wookies from Star Wars , the occult especially ghosts, aliens and of course the lockness monster. He is a good lawyer who actually wanted to be an environmental lawyer but ended up at Goliath National Bank working with Barney. Marshall does not like to fight but when he does you do not want to step in his way which was proved in season 4 in the 'Fight' episode but is actually contrary to previous statements made in the show.

The female lead on the show and every mans dream wife / girlfriend. She is married to Marshall but kept her own last name. Her best friend is Ted, but as of late Robin has started to take his spot. Lily is a kindergarden teacher by day (which she doesn't think much of), and a teacher and excellent cook by night. She gets very emotional when Marshall is not around and with her - as they have become very attached to each other, often having mind conversations! She left Marshall once because she wanted to persue a painting career and felt she couldn't do it while married but she quickly found out she made a mistake and came crawling back! She changes her hair colour quite often and is a running gag in the show! More recently we found out she has taken it upon herself to break Ted up with all his girlfriends she deems - not frontporch material!

She is from Canada - she was a popstar and gameshow host in her home town, much to the amusement of the gang - and us! She is a television personality by nature, she was a reporter, then moved on to anchor and then had her own morning talk show. She dated both Ted and Barney but those relationships didn't work out, but more recently she dated Don her co-anchor who left her for the job she turned down for him - irony heh! She even went to Japan to try and report there but they had her on tv with a monkey who was more popular than her, so she moved back to New York and moved in with Ted. Lily is her best friend and confidant but Ted is there in a close second. She is the ultimate gun nut and loves wearing suits, smoking cigars and drinking whiskey!

So that is a wrap - stay tuned for all my posts that are done episode by episode with quote and Barney-ism of the episode highlighted! What can be better?!

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