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Monday, June 25, 2012

CASTLE - Genius!!

At first I thought just another police procedural drama – and didn’t even bother watching it. I mean a writer working with cops to help solve murders, seriously? It wasn’t until someone I regarding as having sound taste recommended it as she was at that time working through it and was enjoying it. So I decided to give it a go, with only 10 episodes in the first season I thought “if only ten episodes the ratings couldn’t have been so good”. And surprise, surprise!! What a great show, with everyone on the cast delivering as they are supposed to and no scene being under developed its turning out to be one of my all time favourite shows.

I find myself prowling the web for more information, trying as every other major Castle fan to decipher the riddle of who ordered the murder of Johanna and Kate Beckett. And I seem to be getting very defensive about “my” show. My room mate is one of those that if a show is not funny he will not watch it, so watching a cop show is seriously not for him, and the comments he makes – man I wanna slap him! So I have resorted to watching Castle late at night and early in the morning or whenever he is not around – I feel like a naughty school child sneaking around. But after three weeks and four completed seasons – I have done it.

From the first episode I knew that Castle and Beckett would hook up – I mean come on, everyone saw the chemistry on screen between these two (and I would not blame them for some “off – screen” action either) and the perfect culmination of action and intrigue led us to the end of season 4.

Lets be honest – we all would love to be Castle. The women, the cars, the money, the great family and friends who would say no? I think Nathan Fillion plays Castle to the tee, and Stana Katic embodies the sensuality and passion that Beckett is all about. But you know everyone goes on about the main characters, but very few seem to recognize the supporting roles! Lanie nudging Beckett on her quest to “get” Castle, Ryan and Esposito always there when they are needed and Castle’s mother and daughter there to keep him on the straight and narrow. Without these characters the show would never have gone this big.

And then adding the continuing drama and intrigue surrounding Beckett’s shooting and her mother’s murder and you get one big pile of steaming golden glowing stuff. It’s just that good.

And now in the last episode of season 4, everything that happened at once, I was literally sitting at the edge of my seat. I couldn’t get enough! Beckett facing off with the shooter “Cole Turner” and getting her ass kicked and thrown off a building and then hearing someone call her name and her thinking it was Castle – awesomeness!

Side note – I figured out it was not Castle as I saw the hand that grabbed her, with the wedding ring on it! And then her and Castle hooking up at the end – no surprises

I have heard a few good graduation speeches in my time – e.g. Rory Gilmore’s graduation speech from Gilmore Girls, and then Alexis Castle’s graduation speech which was just as good. I have decided to put in on here as well for all those fans who would like to remember it with me

“There is a universal truth we all have to face whether we want to or not. Everything eventually ends. As much as I’ve looked forward to this day, I’ve always disliked endings. The last day of summer, the final chapter of a great book, parting ways with a close friend. But endings are inevitable. Leaves fall, we close the book, you say goodbye. Today is one of those days for us. Today we say goodbye to everything that was familiar everything that was comfortable. We’re moving on. But just because we are leaving, and that hurts, there are some people who are so much a part of us they’ll be with us no matter what. They are our solid ground, our north star. And the small clear voices in our hearts that will be with us. Always.”

— Alexis Castle

Finally the Mr. Smith angle, I always suspected that he knew Roy on a personal level and it seems strange that it took the “big bad” so long to figure it out, but I guess our former Captain could hide some secrets.

I think the new season is going to have us reeling, the writers have us just where they want us and with all the information they dumped on us in the last episode – we are just wildly speculating which is going to bum us out for the next season when it doesn’t reach our expectations.

My view for the next season – Mr. Smith kills “Cole Turner” and gets rid of the body, somehow it’s found and is tied back to Kate and Castle. With her having resigned from the NYPD, she and Castle go renegade and try to solve it. Ryan and Esposito are no longer talking to each other, even after Esposito comes back on active duty. But through it all they reconnect when one has to save the others life. Kate and Castle can go two ways – happy couple or awkward moments after amazing sex! Either can work so lets stay tuned and see what happens!!!

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