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Monday, March 21, 2011


Good gracious guys, it has been a while since my last post. I have just been so hectically busy at work and no longer working nightshift puts a damper on my writing schedule.

This weekend I went through my old external and I found quite a few gems - that have been long forgotten and brought back tears to my eyes (ok I know what you are thinking, but it was an episode with the death of one of my most beloved characters) - so it was manly tears.

How many of us remember the old days, ok so I'm only 24 and my old days are not so old but remember the shows from way back when, when tv was still funny and entertaining.

I caught an episode of Angel one of the most watched cult classic shows which ended in 2004 - the episode - number 12 of season 5 "You're welcome" Cordelia makes her return after season 4 and puts Angel back on track. The entire episode I was like - awesome Cordy's back and at the end she's gone, and you feel the pain and sorrow - and now I ask you which new show has given you the same kind of sorrow? The answer - none! Because there are none.

Grey's Anatomy was awesome - I watched the first three seasons and then it dropped off the radar, after the death of Denny they could do absolutely nothing else to top that and as such I have tried watching it again but it falls flat every time.

Now I'm not saying all the old shows are better than the new shows but you cannot argue that Cheers is way better than Arrested Development or that Seinfeld and Frasier are better than Beverly Hills 90210 or Melrose Place! But there are some exceptions to the rule, look at shows like, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Mentalist, Chuck and Supernatural and there is no comparison.

There are so many shows that have been created - but only for one season and then cancelled because of a fickle audience! Look at this new show called Endgame - a genius chess player becoming a detective with agoraphobia! All I can say is - SEEN IT! Remember Monk?

Lately it has become so bad for me - I don't watch any show on tv - I only watch either dvd's or downloaded shows as there is nothing good on tv!

et's hope some of the old rubs off on the new and tv becomes a lot better!

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