4. What is Ari to Ziva
8. Mark Harmon's character
10. The surname of the druglord Gibbs killed after the death of his family
15. Call girl that in her imfamy assists NCIS with two cases
16. FBI agent and one of Gibbs best friends
17. NCIS special agent that got his innards cut out while on a case a few years ago
21. Mossad assasin
23. Where the NCIS head office is
24. First NCIS director we see on the show
26. Chief Medical Examiner
27. Secretative director and latest director of NCIS
28. McGee's younger sister
29. Female director that was killed off in season five
30. Jenny's father
32. The nickname Abby gives her assistant that tries to frame Tony for murder
34. Super nerd of NCIS
35. Which city did Tony and Ziva visit to escourt a Federal witness back to the states
38. Tony's first real love
40. FBI agent that does not like Tony very much
42. Tony's nickname for McGee
43. The NCIS agent that turned out to be the mole in season 6
44. Name of the band the gang missed out on when they went aboard the haunted ship The Chimera in season five
2. The type of dog - Ducky's mother owned
3. The one American item that McGee and Abby traced to the lair where Ziva was being held hostage
5. CIA asset that tried to blow Tony up
6. Ziva's father
7. Gibbs wake up call for Tony
9. Played by Jessica Steen
11. Who killed his sister Paloma Reynosa
12. Ziva's boyfriend Tony shot
13. NCIS special agent who was murdered in season 7
14. Gibbs father
18. Tony's nickname forJimmy
19. The plane NCIS borrows in the very first episode
20. Tony's verbal sparring partner that was murdered by Ari
22. Very special agent of NCIS
25. In season 2 name the episode where Ducky's life is in danger when a victim turns up on his table with a big toe as a thumb
31. Caitlin Todd's former employer before joining NCIS
33. What Mike Franks lost during a gun fight with Bell's men on his beach in Mexico
34. The surname of the army colonel Gibbs dated
36. Super hot goth scientist
37. Marine that broke Tony's nose and dislocated McGee's shoulder in season 5
39. McGee's training ground
41. Gibbs hometown
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