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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wrath Of The Titans

Howza guys,

Another post coming to you live from the wonderful city of Cape Town. I know it's been a while - but I feel the need for some writing, so here goes!!

I went to the premier of Wrath Of The Titans this weekend, and even though it did not live up to my expectations or the previous movie, it was enjoyable enough!

The movie revolves around Perseus, half-god son of Zeus the king of the Olympian gods, being called into action by his father to help stem the tide of monsters being released from Tartarus. When Perseus rebuffes Zeus, he turns to his brothers, Hades and Poseidon and other son Ares the god of War to help him. Unknown to him Ares and Hades have joined forces with their trapped father Kronos in order to capture Zeus and drain him of his godliness so Kronos can be released.

Once Zeus is captured and Poseidon murdered, it is up to Perseus and Poseidons lost son, Agenor to rescue Zeus and stop Kronos.

With the introduction of three new gods and half-gods the action picked up but was very believable. Sam Worthington recently did an interview where he stated that they created their own myths for the movie and only used the characters to create a story, and that people might not enjoy the created versions.

I feel that when using the myths of the Greek gods there is so may routes you can take and so many vibrant characters you can bring to life, that the poor result delivered by Wrath of the Titans was just that - poor! I feel if they made use of a few more Olympians the story could have been made a lot more interesting, instead they state in the movie that the last of the gods fled in fear of their lives and me having studied and read alot of the Greek myths cannot believe that they would do something like that.


Overall a good movie but could be better I give it a 5.5/10